Castlevania: SOTN sees a new dawn on mobile, complete with MFi / Bluetooth controller support!
Platform: iOS / Android
Game: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Genre: Platform Adv. / Action RPG
(Konami Digital Entertainment, 2020)
Whether you've played this classic adventure on the PSX, or the Sega Saturn, the iOS / Android version is a wonderful portable edition, complete with MFi / Bluetooth controller support.

Available for only $2.99 on the iOS App Store and Google Play, it’s an incredible game at an unbelievable price. The links below will take you to the iOS and Google Play information pages.
*Bonus Stage: Along with controller support, this version of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night also allows you to play as Maria Renard or Richter Belmont by entering their names in the beginning to play as each respective character.