Console: Sega Master System
Game: SpellCaster
Genre: Action / RPG
(Sega, 1989)
Also known as ‘Peacock King’ in Japan (and originally based on the manga of the same name before being localized), this Text-Adventure / Action-RPG hybrid has the hero Kane using his Ki-Force to rid the land of evil! 💫

SpellCaster is a staple of any Master System collection with its unique mash-up of genres (Text-Adventure / Platformer / Shmup). While the gameplay may take some getting-used-to initially, its moody atmosphere, great graphics, and memorable soundtrack, make SpellCaster an overall, terrific, and memorable 8-Bit adventure.
A follow-up appeared on the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive known as ‘Mystic Defender’, which kept the core platforming gameplay mechanics of SpellCaster, however did away with the Text-Adventure aspect of the original. Mystic Defender is also worth playing for its thick atmosphere, more advanced graphics, and terrific 16-Bit soundtrack!
(If interested in adding this to your collection, at time of this writing, prices for this game Complete In Box (CIB) on eBay, are still rather reasonable at around $40.)