VG Book: ARTCADE The Book of Classic Arcade Game Artwork
Edition: Extended Edition w/ Glow-in the-Dark Slipcover
(Bitmap Books / Tim Nicholls, 2015 / 2019)
Revisit your favorite Arcade games of yore with this stunning collection of marquee artwork!

This second series of photos of ARTCADE showcases the main cover, spine, and back cover of this lovingly created ode to the artwork that drew gamers in to insert coins into uniquely crafted digital worlds.
Similarly to the outer slipcase, (covered here) the front and back covers of the ARTCADE book itself are sturdy and smooth, with impeccable build-quality. Contrasting the smooth, matte black finish of the book cover is the book’s title, which really pops. It’s presented with a glossy, colorful font, with each letter encapsulating a particular piece of marquee art. It’s a really fun concept, that will have you quickly guessing which game / marquee is represented within each letter. Since the main book title on the front cover is glossy, it can also catch a room’s available light at differing angles which offers a nice visual flare.
While not glossy like the cover, the book's spine carries the same font and colorful style as the main cover with an accompanying Bitmap Books logo displayed on the bottom of the spine.
The back cover of Artcade provides information on the contents of the book positioned on the left, and an image of classic Centipede side-art proudly filling up the right side (wonderful choice of image!). Of special note, the Centipede image actually wraps under the back cover onto a small portion of the inner back cover which gives an extra unexpected burst of Centipedian color to the bottom of the book when it has the front cover facing up. This small attention to detail is greatly appreciated, and really elevates the overall quality and presentation of the book as a whole.
With over 300 pages of marquee artwork, side-art, interviews, and more, this book is must-have for any fan of classic gaming, Arcades, and Arcade history!
*For more on ARTCADE visit the Bitmap Books website.